
Sunday 11 August 2019

Movie super30

                             Nowaday education is very important and and it is not limited to class only. So, our English department organised the movie screening of super-30 at Top3,Bhavanagar.

           Movie gives us a way of movie is important as well as study.Movie inspired us and super-30 is one of them. This movie  by Vikas Bhal.It is based on Anand Kumar.He is a mathematician in Patna,Bihar.Ritik  roshan played his roll.We can see  the real situation of society about the education.Now education is became a midum of to earn money and those  who  are poor they can not afford the money for study. Anand Kumar gave them couching class in a free cost and 30 student pass out the exam of IIT.

                 Anand Kumar got gold medal for his performance in study.He want to  go abroad at Cambridge university.He makes the effort for it and used to go library to read journal

The manager asked him questions and told that he could not come here and not read the book.A peon give him advice that if he want to read book and general  his name should be in that book.Anand Kumar got the solution of math and he send it  to Cambridge university.His father was a post man and he said that 

      "राजा का बेटा राजा नहीं बनना, बनेगा वोही जो हकदार होगा।"
   After some time the letter from Cambridge he got, it was the admission letter of  Anand. In a general there was also name of Anand .

   He and his father  made the effort for collecting  money but unfortunately they couldn't and his father died.Now Anand kumar  start selling papad and earn money for his family.
    One day  he was going on bicycal and accident happened with a car. The car of lallan who  is the  person connected with Shri Ram singh who is the politician. lallan gave him offer to join his EXCELLENCE COACHING CLASS.lallan said

"आप हमारे द्रोणाचार्य बन जाईए,हम ऐक ऐक करके अर्जुन निकालेंगे अपनी ऐकेडमी से"
 This how Anand kumar earn the money.Anand situation now better then before.

The class is the way to business and get the money. They make education a business with the politics.

      During going to home,Rikshaman talking with him.He said taht it is like eklvya and Dronacharya.He said

        " कोन तोडेगा ये परंपरा? द्रौणाचार्य तो हमेशा राजा के ही साथ थे और आगे भी रहेंगे।एकलव्य का अगुंठा कटवाते रहेंगे  और अर्जुन को बडा योद्धा कहेलवाते रहेंगे ।"

                 Anand relize and he start his own coaching class without taking any kind of fees.He make class of 30 students and all are belongs to  the poor family and those all are have dreams to became something in thier life. Anand Kumar carve the way for them.
             But it is not so easy to do like this .There are many problems through he is passing,problem of money and food. But after passing some time he solved it too.

        Now lallan became his problem because of coaching class.Student of his class also want to study from Anand,but Anand don't want to go back lallan's class and in  his own class rich students can't get the admission. Lallan  gave Anand  threat and anand Kumar didn't give up.

"आपत्ति से ही आविष्कार होता है ।"

          He also sign contract but it was planned by lallan and he lose.  Lallan  and She's ram shigh  want to make away Anand from there way.lallan made the plan to murderd him.

            When Anand  Kumar going to give the tiffin to his students two persons were came and first they help him but then they shoot Anand.

            Anand's brother came to there and he brought him at hospital.
          Anand still not give up. Doctor start the operation and the all students saved his Guru with the vidhya  which is given by Anand kumar.

           Anand Kumar survived and next day  his all students went to give the exam of IIT. They all  got the admission in IIT institute.Anand Kumar  and his students got the victory .

"सारी पढ़ाई लड़ाई मे लगा दी "

Anand Kumar got the prize of best teacher from the president of India. 

       Now question is still that, every student who are aligeble they didn't get admission and because of their family problem and financial condition.We also  see  the bad politics in education,thry make it a tool to make money,but it's result can be very bad for the future generation and nation .

"राजा कौन बनेगा  वो जो राजा के घर में  पैदा हुआ और वो जो राजा बननेका हकदार है ?"

In this movie shri Ram  singh said One dialogue that ,

"शिक्षा  स्वर्ग का रास्ता है,स्वर्ग कैसे मिलेगा ?बिजनस कर के, आज केे डेट में ऐज्युकेशन से बढके बिजनस  कछो नहीं है ।"

Anand Kumar also said that 

"अमीर लोग अपने लिए खूब चिकना सडक बनाऐ  और  हमारे राह में बड़ा  बडा  गढे खोद दिऐ  वही गलती वो कर दिऐ, समय आयेगा तब सब से उचाँ ,सबसे बड़ा छलांग हम ही मारेंगे ...।
              This  movie is the mirror to them who think that education is not business.we called it 'VIDHYA'.Everyone has Right to education.if they are poor or rich.who make the hard work  they gain the Vidhya.

 " विद्या  न्यायदत्री,विद्या जगतजयती,विद्या विघ्नहरिणी ,विद्या सकलतारिनी,विद्या रिपुनीहन्ती...।"



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