
Monday 5 August 2019

Thinking Activity :Doctor Faustus


                                                                                                         I’m going to write blog about the thinking activity given by Dr. Barad sir on the “Doctor Faustus”.There are some questions which answer I gave  here, so let’s see them.

1)The play directed by Matthew Dunster for Globe theatre ends with this scene what does it signify?

            This is the picture of Lucifer.who is the prince of the hell.The protagonist of the play Doctor Faustus sign the contract of to give the soul him after 24 years.At the end Faustus repenting from the depth of his heart.he now realize that he was on the wrong path.But there is no window to escape from the deeds and before his death he dies inside. We can see the tragic end of Doctor Faustus in this play.There are two thing one is GOOD and other is BAD.We symbolized them as GOD and EVIL.In this play the Lucifer the devil won so,the picture is about his triumph.he is happy to get the soul of Faustus.

2)If God present in the play?if yes,where and how?f No why?

 Yes ,God is present in this play,

3)What reading and interpretation can be given to this image with reference to central theme of the play dr.faustus?

            This is the picture about the Greek mythology.Daedalus is the father of Icarus.He was the master craftman ,creator of the Labyrinth.they both attempt to escape from creat by maeans of wings which was created by Daedalus from feathers and wax, Icarus warned by his father first of complacency and then of hubris,asking that Icarus neither fly too low or nor tooo high,if he does as his father says the sea’s dampness would not clog his wings or sun’s heat also not melt them.But Icarus did not followed his father's insruction and ignored  and flied too much close the sun.The sun melted his wax in his wings and he fall down  into the sea where he drowned,he sparkingthe idiom 

       “Don’t fly too close the sun”

This tragic theme of failure at the hands of hubris.which we can see in similarly in dr. Faustus.he also met his dath because of the hubris of knowledge and the hungur of the knowledge but he was on the wrong path.At the end he got the tragic end of his life

4) How do you interpret this painting?

    This painting about the Landscape with the fall of Icarus.It is a greek mythology.  He was fell at the corner in this picture.No one observed it because of the side metter.whether you rise or fall it is insignificant for so many people.farmer is busy with his work and shepherd looking the sky may  be he can see the Daedalus is still flying. But people do not mean with the fall of the man.

5)Read this article by Bhagat singh. In light of the argument made by Bhagat singh in this article,can you re-write last monologue of Doctor Faustus?

           We know the Bhagat singh as brave man and  he gave his life to the nation. According the article Bhagat singh was  an atheist, he rejected  the existance of GOD.He believe in effort and change the fake faith.Here my activity is,if Bhagat singh at place of Dr. fautus what  the last monologue would like be:

Bhagat singh was strong atheist. He did not pray to god

He never request to God to save his life and did not wraps.

          (Half an hour left to twelve)

Bhagat singh:O' Lucifer I don’t want to wait,come and take my soul with you.

 “ No Lucifer I shell never pray”

            I don’t believe in God I’m an atheist.Let be happy the brutish beast. I will not curse anyone even not myself. I'm not afraid with a threatening arm and angry brow.I’m not needed the pity and sympathy from anyone or nature.Stars ,mountain, hills come and see the last event of my life and hope the blood of God can not save my life.I’m not believe in blind faith because it is disaster.

O' lucifer don’t spare me.I'm ready to come with you and be ready you too. My quest of knowledge will continue.I wiil start it again. I don’t want be late so, the last half an hour go fast and let the book fire.O Mephistophilis ,O Lucifer I’m giving my soul to you….

6)summarise article discussed in the class:

  • Marlowe and God:tragic theology of dr.faustus

                       Critics of Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus spend too much energy seeing the      play as against the historical background and significantly  to the  modern condition.

     Harry Levin in The Overreacher, is correct comaprision Marlowe to Goethe.according to to Jung death of meaning in the mythic symbols of Chritianity was beginning at renaissance and Reformation period.He says “Mankind has never lacked powerful image to lend magical aid against all the uncanny things that live in the depths of the psyche”.Goethe’s faust as well as contemporary man,he want protect the people from plague and immoratal them he couldn’t.his desire and expectation run wildbu he lost the ability to see that it is not posiblewith the his per A.K.Okerlund  point out that Faustus rejected the Christianity, thoughlike that of modern manwhich is based on deep psychological realities of time. Faustus ‘ neurosis he was wavering like the modern mass mind.He asked question to the mephistophilis about hell.he sing the contract and can not see the other side of coin.He can  not see the truth he  calls the military buildup :

 “ a deed in the name of pease”-“an obvious example of  neurotic doublespeak”

               Faustus has ego and he also not respect his new master.According to Jung mephistophilis is converse of Faustus and he  repressed the qualities of doctor as per his saying Mephistophilis is the dark shadow.Dr.faustus did seven dadly sin and he was on wrong path so his end became tragic.

               Acoording to Roberts ornstain Dr. faustusof Marlow’stestament of despair then we see also a prefect correspondence between the nihilism of Marlow’s art and life.


  • Myth,phycology and marlow’s Doctor Faustus

              Many critics of Marlow’s Doctor Faustus spend their time and energy to seeing the play.Critics are also seeing the play as in modern condition.Faustus has hunger of knowledge,and it became his hubris and ego.He thought he is the one who has power to make the thing and man immortal but he even not make his life immortal.

             A way of seeing Faustus experiences with figures like Mephistophilis,Lucifer,Good and Bad angle,Mythical character Helen of Troy is as fantansy dramatizing conflicts whithin his psyche.Good and Bad angles are the  shadow of his ego and thoughts.At the one time he said that

“My heart is hardened:I cannot repent’

              But at the and we can see the condition of Doctor Faustusat the end he gave the soul to the devil,Lucifer.

               The play’s clear emphasis of the presence of these confused attitude indicates their importantce to the faustion psychology.

             Faustus is a paradigm of that aspect of modern man in which he is stuck between the disintegrating Christian myth and any potentially rejuvenating man.His inner tention,indeterminancyof will,and neurotic lack of order are in many ways “modern”



  1. Very interesting points which you have mentioned in bloh about FAUSTUS'S last monologue....kee it up.....

  2. Yesss dear you choose great point keep it up with it and enjoy a lot.. .

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Well drafted all the answers. Keep writing.


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