
Sunday 8 September 2019

Shitala saatam and other festivals in August


      Here is the blog about Shitala saatam.which is my I put my view on this shitala saatam.To know more information click here .

       Now may b most of us even don't know which goddess picture is this? So This the picture of SHITALA MAA. we all know that in a Sravanamas there is a day like Shitla satam which is come on Saatam so we called it SHITALA SAATAM.

Religion vs. Science:-

         Even though the anicient and mediaeval World did not have conception resembling the modern understanding of science or of religion. Nowadays  in 21st century people also believe in a blind faith and we see this both have between a war, we never challenge the religion and we have not a logic then even we follow them.Like on the day of Shitala saatam  to have a cold food. 

                   Before 60 or 70 years ago there was deasese like shitala.In those day there was no remedy for this and people also died. India is a religious country there are so many God and Goddesses. So in people there is a belief that shitala maa can save the people from the disease and so people stared worship of her. 

Inoculation vs Vaccination :-

         The terms inoculation, vaccination, and immunization are often used synonymously to refer to artificial induction of immunity against various infectious diseases. However, there are some important historical and current differences. In English medicine, inoculation referred only to the practice of variolation until the very early 1800s. When Edward Jenner introduced smallpox vaccine in 1798, this was initially called cowpox inoculation or vaccine inoculation.
Vaccination  is introducing a weekend version of the pathogen so that the immune response is triggered and the body is prepared to fight the actual pathogen if necessary. This was pioneered by Edward Jenner where in the noticed that  cowpox which related to smallbox immunised the milkmaids against smallpox.

Edward Jenner :-

On May 14, 1796, Jenner took fluid from a cowpox blister and scratched it into the skin of James Phipps, an eight-year-old boy. A single blister rose up on the spot, but James soon recovered. On July 1, Jenner inoculated the boy again, this time with smallpox matter, and no disease developed. The vaccine was a success. Doctors all over Europe soon adopted Jenner’s innovative technique, leading to a drastic decline in new sufferers of the devastating disease.
   In the 19th and 20th centuries, scientists following Jenner’s model developed new vaccines to fight numerous deadly diseases, including polio, whooping cough, measles, tetanus, yellow fever, typhus, and hepatitis B, and many others. More sophisticated smallpox vaccines were also developed and by 1970 international vaccination programs, such as those undertaken by the World Health Organization, had eliminated smallpox worldwide.

                                                                                      India is the country of in this picture you can see that reflection.People are very excited to celebrate them and start preparation for it a weak ago.In mas of shravana there are so many festivals like Eid, Pateti, Rakshabandhan,Nag-panchami,Shitala Satan, and our independence day on 15th  August. 


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